Friday, June 05, 2009

Dreams, premonitions and chills

Many of my dreams have been premonitions that come true. They are not very direct. No talking or words, just images that seem significant enough for me to piece together when I wake up. They typically do not make sense until the event has happened. However, I've gotten better at interpreting dream symbols and have been able to anticipate events. It seems at this point that these images and ideas can only freely flow through my mind when relaxed in sleep. I wonder if there's a way to become relaxed enough while awake to have similar experiences?

I also have a question about chills... sometimes while contemplating these dreams I have a sensation of energy driving through my body in the form of chills. It often happens when I am praying... Anyone else ever experienced chills? What's your take on this? For me, they seem to affirm that I am on a positive path in life or sometimes that I need to seriously change.


Dear LAC,

Yes, I have experienced these chills, I think they are quite common. I think they can be something physical at times, but when the coincide with strong psychic impressions that says to me a strong spiritual power, a guide or angel, may be behind their origin.

The best way to be relaxed while awake to trigger psychic impressions is through meditation. There are all kinds of different teachers of meditation available online - go to YouTube and type in "meditation", there are loads of guided visualizations available free of charge. I particularly recommend Ross Quinn's "Centering" CD. His Centering process is very similar to the Rainbow Meditation that is in Living With Your Psychic Gifts. One day I will get around to offering my own CD (laugh), but for now, give Ross's CD a try.

As for the dreams and premonitions, I know I sound like a broken record here (or a Napster Fart for you young whippersnappers), but journaling is the best way to to really nail down your progress with both dream interpretation and getting more accurate premonitions. I also highly recommend you join the Dream Catcher discussion group. I'm one of the moderators there.



Meliza said...

I try most of the times remember my dreams for interpretate buy always I forget. Thanks for sharing the article love it.

unique baby gifts said...

this so called premonition you are saying... based on how you described it, it seems that it is also happening to me... when i was 8 until i reached 13, this is happening to me not that often... but when i woke up after i accidentally fell from a mango tree and lost my senses for about 15 whole minutes, this thing always happens to me and it is very frequent up to now... and i am very sure that once this thing happens to me it will surely happen on the following days.. i will only realize it is a premonition once i seen it and it already happened... weird but its true...

Am I Psychic said...

Hi Brandi

I have been having dreams in the past and at some point in the future they actually happen, like as if i'm having a dejavu. Does this mean I have foresight or a third eye?

Brandi Jasmine said...

We all have a third eye, the question is whether or not yours is active. Generally if it is third-eye psychic ability there is a buzzing sensation just between and above the eyes, but not all psychic impressions come in through the third eye.

psychic said...

Nice blog alway fun to read. Go on like this

psychic said...

I have been having dreams in the past and at some point in the future they actually happen,
like as if i'm having a dejavu. Does this mean I have foresight or psychic power?

Brandi Jasmine said...

I think only you can decide whether or not you think you are psychic. Start keeping a dream and vision journal, and go back to it often. You'll start to see a pattern, noe way or the other.

Dream Interpretation said...

All our dreams have different meaning and interpretations we should find a good interpret to to interpret our dreams.

Hannah said...

I would definately journal. I think that is huge!! So often we dream things and forget them. There is so much important details that we forget...